Fall is here and we are all settling into our new schedules - school, sports and youth group!
We are so very excited to be serving the youth, sharing time with them and growing together as we hear Gods call in our lives!
Part of our evening is to provide the youth with a snack. Not only does a snack give them something to munch on, but provides them with valuable time to socialize and build relationships.
To do this, we need your help!
How can I Help?
We need every family to help by providing snack one evening throughout the year. Since we have an average of 50-60 youth, we are asking 2 families to bring snack each night. Your responsibility will be to bring enough snack for 30 youth. We have lots of families so if every family contributes; we should only need your contribution once this year.
What do I need to do?
Please contact Trina Mannery at 206-550-9298 or trina.david@clearwire.net. She will work with you to set up a date for you to bring snack on a week that will work for your schedule.
What should I bring?
This can be homemade or store bought. Fruit and vegetables, cheese and crackers or cookies, brownies etc. Shop the sales! What's in the pantry? (Hint: They are teenagers, they love it all!)
Should I bring drinks too?
You may provide drinks if you like, but we can provide water and that seems to work well.
How would you like the snack to come?
Please bring the snack prepared and ready to serve. Also, please remind your youth to bring home your containers.
My schedule is crazy and I have a hard time preparing a snack, is there any other way I can help?
Yes! If you would like to help and just don't have the time to provide a ready to eat snack, you can donate $10 to our snack fund. This fund can be used on days when we don't have anyone scheduled to provide a snack.
Thank you so much for coming along side us to help us love on and serve your kids!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Trina
God Bless You!
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